Sunday, February 27, 2011

Back Pain While Ice Skating

in CRI. The case of Captain Martinez ends up in Parliament.

Mario Martinez Chap
The issue of Captain Mario Martinez in Parliament ends with a question for written answer tabled by Members Donadi, and Palagiano Di Stanislao IDV for just ask for clarification on the matter concerning the officer.

We talked about it extensively back in January of 2010
( cap-and-martinez-of-54-irregularities-% e2% 80% 9ccertificate% e2% 80% 9d-by-ministry-of% e2% 80% 99economia / ) and then the Extraordinary Commissioner has assured us Rocca that the case was being closely followed but an act of a dispute at the Council of State, could not take any action.
The question seems to become in time an issue inextricably and incomprehensible in the light of issues raised by the report of the Ministry of Finance September 22, 2008, signed by the Accountant General of the State where they show less than 54 critical points and irregularities affecting also the Office Inspector General, accounting and personnel management. ( e2% 80% e2% 9ccertificate % 80% 9d-by-ministry-of% e2% 80% 99economia / )
Critical issues that are still not removed the problem appears as unresolved on the Martinez case. .

Here however the "full text of the question" presented in the 439 seat Chamber of Deputies on the No 02/24/2011 4-11020

Friday, February 25, 2011

Gallbladder Polyp 3 Cm

Skewers Tuscan bread with black olives and parsley sauce Tuscan Carnival

A starter to break the trend of traditional recipes which I have dedicated myself to the game thanks ultimamente.Tutto Italian atmosphere, the which I'm really passionate about, because is able to stimulate my creativity and my imagination and led me to invent something new with the pieces of the elegant line of products for the table "Les chics " I came in a flash of an eye, from Biella.E 'the courier arrived with a beautiful and elegant package with curiosity I opened it, hoping to live up to enhance containers for "finger food" ... and here they are elegant and refined, whites, blacks and transparent as they are small ... but for me that I usually cook large quantities of food in large pots
crock! So I decided to start with an appetizer, simple but from the heart of Tuscany ... because whatever the final aesthetic form that will get ... at least it will come out with something tasty and appetizing!


ripe tomatoes mozzarella

Tuscan bread

pitted black olives, parsley, oregano

lemon olive oil salt

Peel the tomatoes, cut in half , season with salt and let them "ammosciare" removing them in the oven 's moisture.

With a small round cutter to derive from floppy slices of Tuscan bread crumbs, seasoned with olive oil and brown them in forno.Tagliare then, with the same diameter as the disks of mozzarella.

Alternate tomato and mozzarella to bread composing skewers

Prepare now accompanying sauce: whisk together the olives, oregano, parsley, lemon juice, salt and oil.

Gustare gli spiedini intingendoli nella salsina di olive e prezzemolo

Con questa ricetta partecipo a "In Punta di Spiedi" , il nuovo contest de La Torta Pendente!

Sezione:Aperitivi & Antipasti

Pregnancy And Dry Throat




4 / 11020


L’Associazione Italiana della Croce Rossa, ente di diritto pubblico, svolge la sua opera su tutto il territorio nazionale grazie agli oltre 150mila volontari e soci attivi appartenenti all'organizzazione, e oltre 5.000 dipendenti;

la gestione del personale militare volontario, comporta periodici richiami in servizio attivo del medesimo personale iscritto nei ruoli del corpo militare della CRI, per essere quindi riassegnato ai Comitati provinciali della medesima Croce Rossa;

tra il personale volontario militare, l’interrogante rammenta il caso del  Capitano Mario Martinez, iscritto nei ruoli del corpo militare volontario della Cri dal 1983; 

durante tutti gli anni dal 1991 a oggi – a parte un breve periodo nel 2003 – il Capitano Martinez non è been more called to active duty, though the references in active service of volunteers from the Red Cross, have continued to increase, and although there had been an explicit request by name of Martinez from two committees of the provincial Cri: Parma and Bari;

a formal request for explanation on the exclusion of the reminder service Matinez, the Red Cross in 2007, replied - as "forced" by a ruling of the TAR of Lazio - that the call had not been operated as a provincial committees in his time had not followed the procedures;

that view was challenged by a second sentence of the TAR of Lazio, No 09455/09, with which he explained that the provincial committees CRI had actually performed the procedure, and was detected by the same CRI, abuse of power and violation of Article 97 of the Constitution;

all this happens while still in the CRI called to active duty. However, implies that essentially relate to the same military personnel;

commissioner with the order n. 417 of 29.12.2009, he continues to draw the same military personnel years, violating the principles of volunteering, which characterize both the military and the spirit of the fundamental principles of the same Red Cross

Captain Martinez, rightly leads a battle for several years to be given the right to return to their jobs;

28.12.2010 with the ruling 38855/2010, with its ruling, the Lazio Regional Administrative Court upheld the appeals filed by Mario Martinez, the Red Cross asking for the return of Martinez lists of personnel to retrieve, and consequently his call to service;

if Ministers interrogated, as part of their prerogatives, nor understand attivarsi nei confronti della Croce Rossa italiana, affinché venga rispettata la suindicata sentenza del Tar del Lazio, e si proceda al richiamo in servizio del Capitano Mario Martinez.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sample Greeting For Speeches

A smell spreads between the houses of Poggio, Bagnore, stretches a trail of sugar and vanilla from the open window of the kitchen of Laura and grandmother slowly envelops the chestnut trees, the dark coloring of joy skeletons of these trees and snowdrifts remained at their feet. E 'Carnival in Tuscany and make the brothers, "I do not know why they are called like this ... perhaps because they are shaped like a tonsure true that the brothers carry on their heads or maybe it will be an irreverent, typical the Tuscans to compare these donuts "chubby" and party .... Anyway the most important thing, at least at my house, not the origin of the name ma  friggere i frati  molto spesso, da gennaio a marzo....  sennò che Carnevale è? Li mangi  in un  boccone,uno tira l'altro ...a me piacciono perfino i granellini di zucchero che ti rimangono tra le dita e intorno alla bocca anche se nonna Laura con il suo grembiule bianco e la padella in mano  non c'è più...Ogni anno tutti noi riviviamo con lei queste emozioni , ripetendo il suo rituale.


250gr di patate lesse e passate con lo schiacciapatate
1/2hg di burro fuso
farina q.b. *
2 cucchiai di zucchero
una bustina di vanillina
orange juice 2 eggs

20 gr yeast (dissolved in warm water)
oil for frying (I use the sunflower, the symbol of our Maremma)
* (The amount of flour is not defined because I set from mixing with the unity achieved during the lvorazione.Diciamo I leave with a fountain of about 400 grams of flour, then I add another, if necessary, until the dough becomes smooth, elastic and not sticks to the hand.)

Make the dough for the monks, placing the flour on a pastry board. Add eggs and all the ingredients, working well until a ball of dough smooth and elastic.

Stretch a roll the dough easier to cut a kind of dumpling which can then be stretched by hand.

Obtain the poles, unite the two ends together and form pretzels

Cover the Friars with a cloth or a rag, "said the Tuscany, to make them rise

Let rise about 30 minutes .. but it depends on the temperature of cucina.Quando doubled their volume it's time to fry in hot oil, turning on both sides.

Drain on absorbent paper and dip in granulated sugar

eaten hot straight out of pan and passed the sugar, because it uses the highest of their taste (lose a lot in the hours passed with fragrance)


With this recipe I participate in the contest Clamilla
the blog "In the kitchen of Martha"

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Need To Boil Sippy Cups



La Convocazione

..sarà stato un ONORE 
essere convocati 
per L'USB

The response of 'USB
These efforts and ways,


Fonte: USB

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Does Hydrocodone Lower Your Bp

The transparency of the Red Coce NOT reflected ........

La Presidente della Croce Rossa Abruzzo
Maria Teresa Letta 
dichiara a mezzo lettera  
transmission REPORT of December 5, 2010

.... I'm under attack for being unqualified assumed responsibility for administering the Regional Committee of Abruzzo, expressly authorized ,
given the weaknesses highlighted by the leaders ....

Auditors of the Union Base
calls delucitazioni
the leadership of the Red Cross
authorization for the anomalous flaunted. .
was December 9, 2010 >>>>>

union grassroots unions
after 1 exact month that Red Cross strangely silent and does not provide any documentation indicating that they answer pseudo authorization, is compelled to ask ...


Chi sarà stato mai quel Dirigente che ha autorizzato la Presidente Letta ad Amministrare il Comitato Regionale Abruzzo contrariamente a tutti i regolamenti ??

Clicca sulla foto per ingrandire

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Smith And Wesson 642 Vest Holster

Red Cross, a reordering of cuts and closures to hit

After transfers and workers' protests to Cosp of Rome, fearing further reductions in services, as reported by the unions. The Democratic Party calls for the intervention of the Lazio Polverini.

Francesco Rocca
who goes farthest ends in Cuneo, the most fortunate in Pescara, this for a month then who knows. The soldiers of the Red Cross Italian Cosp in service, the Provincial Health Operations Centre of Rome, must meet "obey" the command of Commissioner extraordinary Francesco Rocca thirty-two places that in other regions. This is yet another effect of the plan of reorganization to which the association is working on dynamic lawyer. And that led, among other things, the closure of three health centers run by the Red Cross in densely populated quarters of Rome. "It was a relic in need of an Italy that no longer exists - said Rocca - today marginals are the Roma, there to direct our actions." But what it does and especially what s'occuperà Cross Red Future?

If you ask a staff member with over thirty years of activity behind that wants to remain anonymous, "We do many things, some are excellent performance, however, would rationalize. Since the reorganization workers and volunteers they expect clarification and concrete, not sale of services. " The plan of reorganization that involves Rock for two years, and that unions expect as an event does not seem to share with the local structures. Emblematic is the case of Cosp of Rome, where on Monday was triggered by the protest, with banners and employees climbed onto the roof of the building via the river port. Bodies were cut several autisti-barellieri che prestano servizio sulle ambulanze del 118 più sette meccanici addetti alle riparazioni nell’officina.

I lavoratori segnalano a Terra che in situazioni di ferie ed eventuali malattie le vetture presenti potrebbero non essere in condizione di partire. Così l’sos lanciato da tempo da alcuni sindacati, Usb e anche Cgil e Uil, sul pericolo di dismissioni di servizi di pubblica utilità appare reale. Il Commissario, Rocca nell’intervista rilasciata a Terra il 22 gennaio scorso, s’era difeso ricordando come all’Ente non compete l’attività di pronto soccorso, legata solo a convenzioni stabilite con le Regioni. Non è l’unica attività in sospeso. Also in Rome expect the plan of reorganization news about the fate of Rome Cem, still providing service to disabled people and which could be discontinued.

And the employees, and the precarious the 118 at the end of May out of contract and agreement, both the Cops are afraid to talk about it officially, " We must do it secretly because we risk the penalties provided by the Code of Conduct introduced by the Commissioner. " Assurances on trade union rights by the lawyer Rocca, Earth in the interview published on 22 January last, in short, not must have been convincing. For the story of Cosp, the leader of the Democratic Party to the Lazio Region, Esterino Montino requested the intervention of the President Renata Polverini, "It 's a story denouncing the aberrations of insecurity. I think it is urgent to intervene in the Ministry of Defence because this decision is outrageous blocked. I ask the President to take immediate Polverini