Saturday, August 28, 2010

Repair A Lifefitness 9500hr Elliptical

Padula: oregano, sun and mountains

E 'the scent of oregano mountain accompanying the memories of this summer, I brought with me, at least 20 packs, bought at the fair ... Tomusso its essence is widespread in my house, talking, every time he spins in the air, in dialect lucano.Ed is here ... now ... to show the gastronomic tours and I have followed Michael and we would like to share with you.

Route 1,

Padula (SA)
Being in Campania, we open with the symbol of this beautiful area even if the territory Padula is on the border with Basilicata and traditions, language and cuisine are Lucan

This is excellent pizza baked in the "woodpecker" and is called "Pizza Dr. Sirignano" tall, soft inside and crunchy on the outside, buffalo mozzarella, fresh tomatoes and basil ...

and here is the pasta with the algae grew in the picture ... but is widespread in homes the practice of "'mbuttunato" with "courgette" that the zucchini flowers. Two elements

Prince ... truly sublime .... am the bread, made with more traditional methods and natural yeast, baked in a wood that retains its flavor for weeks and lends itself to a thousand preparations ....

... and cheese, just as sublime that arise from the milk of cow and sheep ; reared in the pastures at high altitude, the plateau of Mandra

Caciocavalli, ricotta, pecorino, cacioricotta, mozzarella unparalleled ...

with which to make maybe the bruschettone to scream ....

or to taste a little time ...

hand-made pasta "by Giulini, family-run restaurant near the entrance of the Certosa and dragged fusilli with tomato sauce

chops and the mythical ...

Excellent flow rates of the restaurant - tipicheria "Casket" a 'Vessel, Fasulo past'e like this ....

the "Ciambotto" made with peppers, eggplant, stewed potatoes, produced in Vallo di Diano ...

the friggitelli ....

to 'pizza' Patan, a delicious and flavorful gato ...

the 'mixed grill grilled ....

conclude with the sweet and juicy fruit that we picked up along the road between Padua and white sand and a traditional dessert: the sweet pudding


mulberry ...

I did not take the photo of our black pudding, I'm sorry, I put this site taken by archive/2010/02/14/torta-di-sanguinaccio-di-maiale.html ,che è proprio uguale,almeno come presentazione....


PS:Io che  provengo dalla Toscana non avevo mai sentito parlare di una minestra semplice ,fatta  con le punte ,le foglie tenere  i fiori  degli  zucchini e le patate,quindi ve la segnalo,nel caso che  qualcuno non la conoscesse come me...è un altro tipo di  ciambotta ... una delicatezza unica.Silvana,la sorella di Michele la cucina divinamente.

append a specialty of the Vallo di Diano and in particular of Padula, the brawn participating in the contest "Friends of the Pig" Deborah's blog "Diary of my kitchen."

Sitratta a
smoked sausage seasoned with at least 40 days, whose size is around 5-8 cm. in diameter and 10-15 in length and must be kept in glass jars in oil.
Ingredienti :
carne e budello naturale suino
olio extravergine d’oliva
vino e

La carne suina  viene triturata e miscelata con  il sale e gli aromi naturali . L'impasto viene asciugato all'aria dopo essere stato posto in una specie  di panieri in fibra naturale e insaccato in  budelli naturali  di suino. Dopo questa fase viene affumicata con legna ed infine conservata in vasetti  appena oliati con olio  extravergine di oliva.

Un'altra immagine per Debora: maiale  e salsiccia  argentina allo spiedo,cucinati lentamente nel cuore della Certosa di padula durante la notte della "taranta"

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Does Tricare Cover Medical If You Get In A Auto

Happy Ferragosto with acquacotta

Auguro  a tutti voi un felice Ferragosto con una zuppiera di acquacotta Maremmana,ottima  da mangiare fredda in questa giornata speciale e in allegra compagnia di amici e parenti.

pane toscano raffermo
pomodori maturi freschi o pelati
concentrato di pomodoro
olio extravergine di oliva
salt & pepper to taste
grated cheese (Parmesan or pecorino)

meat extract eggs if you like ....
and of course ... water

Fry with plenty of onions and celery, when they are wilted, add the tomatoes into small pieces and let go of everything until it is well insaporito.Se the sauce very clear add a teaspoon of concentrato.Far boil again and extend it by keeping in mind that water must be liquid as a soup, because you'll use to soak the flavor pane.Lasciare still continue to cook slowly. Season with salt and pepper according to your taste and add if you like the nut carne.Nel meantime slice the bread into thin slices Tuscan bread is used ... but it's also great that field or some type of bread that can be good and not very tasty slice with flour or flavorings particolari.Il our bread is silly, that is, without salt, but our typical seasonings, enhance the sapore.Prima of "soup" that is acquacotta pour over the bread, break the eggs directly into the broth that is having the last boil or break up the remaining half and dip them whole (shelled of course) or to consider a whole for each diner to lay the last layer ... this depends on how you like presentarla.Adagiare le fette del pane sul fondo della zuppiera,bagnare bene con  l'acquacotta, poi una bella spolverata di  formaggio e di nuovo altre fette di pane,  alternando gli ingredienti fino al loro esaurimento.Farla riposare prima di servirla ,è buonissima anche fredda  soprattutto d'estate e se  avanza...ripassata nella padella di ferro è uno schianto!!!

Vi ricordo che in questi giorni al mio paese, Bagnore,frazione di Santa Fiora(GR),sul Monte Amiata si svolge la famosa sagra dell' acquacotta ,dove si possono gustare anche altre specialità tipiche della montagna e della nostra regione.Se vi trovate da these parts ... really worth it to stop ...

Monday, August 9, 2010

Welcome Baskets Wedding Poem

green tomatoes in oil

a place in advance to participate in the contest Maetta, since I already had the photos stored on the Internet, my connection here is very dancer and I have not yet come back ... please ... I know, I made my report on the giant gastronomic journey we have traveled in Campania and Puglia me, Michele, friends and relatives ... from festivals, dinners, lunches , markets, wine tastings are .... word ... do not forget! To say that we are fattening is very little ... but the southern charms us con i suoi sapori e non si può resistere...

 Raccogliere i pomodori possibilmente nell'orto....anche se non sarà  possibile per tutti...a me piace da morire strappare il frutto dalla pianta e sentire l'odore un po' acre delle foglie che ti arriva alle narici e ti lascia nelle  mani quel profumo che sa di terra,di sole,di acqua... sembra vagamente sfumato al bergamotto...momenti indimenticabili....
ecco perchè mi piace conservarli per l'inverno,perchè insieme ad essi rimangono  racchiuse nel  barattolo queste emozioni legate alla mia infanzia e alle mie roots


green tomatoes (preferably long ones, with fewer seeds)
1 l white vinegar salt

garlic sage rosemary

chilies oregano

Wash the tomatoes cut into slices not too small, place them in a bowl and sprinkle with white vinegar.

Season the marinade with garlic, sage, rosemary, chilli ...

Add salt ....

marry and leave for 48 hours ...

... spent the time indicated, drain

and allow them to dry on a towel

... Haunting adding oregano, red pepper and salt, then cover them with the extra virgin oliva.Aspettare a bit 'of days before sampling, to allow time to absorb the flavor and aromatic perfumes.

With this recipe I participate in the contest "The king of summer" of Maetta