Francesco Rocca, Superintendent of the Italian Red Cross, who was appointed to bring order and settle the accounts of the Foundation , has signed this morning due ordinanze, la n. 0663-10 3 n. 0664-10 e ha disposto il trattenimento in servizi di tutto il personale militare in servizio alla data del 31 dicembre 2010 e ha provveduto a richiamare altre 23 unità fino al 31/12/2011 Rocca alla fine, nominato per il risanamento si è adeguato al sistema e non se l’è sentita di prendere una decisione “amministrativa” coerente con le norme. Ha preferito mantenere lo status quo ed aumentare quindi le già precarie casse della CRI prorogando, il servizio, contro ogni logica e buona amministrazione, a 335 militari con l’Ordinanza nr. 0663-10
( Download the pdf "extension" ), and recalling the Ordinance 0664-10 ( Download PDF "Farewell Call" ), both signed today, of course, other 23, respectively 19 for the Lombardy Regional Committee and 4 for the welcome center in Turin.
( Download the pdf "extension" ), and recalling the Ordinance 0664-10 ( Download PDF "Farewell Call" ), both signed today, of course, other 23, respectively 19 for the Lombardy Regional Committee and 4 for the welcome center in Turin.
Rereading records and documents, including parliamentarians, we can assume that the extension of 335 soldiers to various locations, and the recall of 19 more for the Lombardy Regional Committee, has not resulted from emergency needs such to justify the order in question.
In our previous article we wrote that if he continued with the bad habit of extensions and recalls, as in the past, at least for the present, a manager would become clear.
Rocca has clearly extended the service to 335 units and has attracted 23 more, then, at least as regards the facts of today, can not find any justification. And 'having to respond to him in the future.
Ordinance extending the service 335 provides to the military term to 31/1/2011 and not as erroneously mentioned by us, to 31/12/2011.
We apologize to our readers for the mistake that we have incurred
Ordinance extending the service 335 provides to the military term to 31/1/2011 and not as erroneously mentioned by us, to 31/12/2011.
We apologize to our readers for the mistake that we have incurred
source: Observatory Sicily