Sunday, September 19, 2010

Different Ways To Style My Hair


 Un ricordo delle vacanze lo dedico alla Puglia.... lo dovevo ...soprattutto a Taranto , Martina Franca ,Grottaglie,Ostuni,Cisternino,Mesagne, ai  paesi di pietra bianca che dai loro balconcini  fioriti, affacciati  sulle stradine strette come in un labirinto,  ti sussurrano  storie di uomini e donne protagonisti di antiche gesta e mitiche civiltà.Affascinante .la Puglia ti ammalia con i suoi colori esaltati dal contrasto del bianco delle costruzioni e  l'azzurro del mare o il verde degli olivi,o il rosso bruciato della sua terra fertile e curata come un immenso  giardino artisticamente diviso e  delimitato dai  muretti a secco.


In una serata in  cui la luce della luna metteva in risalto la pavimentazione e l'architettura della piazza Main Mesa, we came across a pizza special, in which managers address a cordial greeting for the kindness shown to me.

I asked to photograph their traditional dishes for my blog and to my surprise, I was given a bottle of excellent extra virgin olive oil, poduzione them. People with a big heart, that I remember with great sympathy.

The restaurant is located under a balcony historic, unique ,in estate  dispone i tavoli all'aperto e la piazza si trasforma in un  grande salone le cui pareti sono da scoprire ed ammirare , pietra dopo pietra.


  I piatti tipici scelti alla nostra tavola: monacelle

arrosto misto...

These days, autumn now, I'm thinking back to holidays in Apulia and comes to my mind, or rather the scent of mint in the nose of the eggplant in oil, an appetizer that I found a bit ' everywhere, from the area near Matera to Cisternino. bouquet "virtual" to the realization of the recipe for me I love spignattare, the distance is short and so I do a few jars for the winter, when it will no longer even a distant scent of perfume and the Apulia region so far very dear to me. The eggplant that I find at the supermarket in Tuscany even resemble those that grow in the south of Italy, but I try ....



eggplant (preferably seedless)
white vinegar water (Annaferna suggests replacing the water with white wine, x better conservation)
salt pepper garlic
extra virgin olive

Cut into slices not too thin eggplants and place them in layers, sprinkled with a bit 'of salt and a few slices of lemon. Place a weight on top and wait at least three to four hours until they have thrown out their marrone.Mettere water to boil vinegar and water (two glasses of water for a cup of vinegar) lightly salted. Remove the eggplant from the press, drain well and dry. Boil water and vinegar, considering that just lifts the boil, to be removed almost immediately, otherwise cottura.Stenderle spend on a kitchen towel to dry them.

Place them in pots and then, taking a first layer that is flavored with mint, garlic, chilli and extra virgin olive oil.

Helping with pliers to fit well the slices on each other. Continue to alternate layers, divided by the mint, garlic and seasoned with 'oil, until it is exhausted.

Before storing, check the oil level and "top up" with more oil if necessary to avoid leaving melanzane.Aspettare discovered, if you can ... at least two months ... before sampling.

... a kiss to Puglia and the people close to me who live there!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

How To Keep Car Ramps From Slipping

Ancients flavors to Athena Lucana (SA)

The Association "La Rotonda" held this past July, the seventh edition of the event "ANCIENT TASTES ATENESI", public gardens of ATHENA AIRPORT. This event repeats the old kitchen atenese through a tasting of dishes from starters locali.Inutile say that we left and we got to dessert, not losing any position ... that is beautiful evening for the journey interesting, both for the sympathy of the kitchen workers and the service for both dishes. If the goal of the organizers of the event was to promote and raise awareness of ancient and tasty dishes, or nearly forgotten, this was achieved at 100%. Congratulations!
start from starter: Bruschetta with artisan bread, eggplant, brawn, cheese ... .
went in the first: fusilli handmade by the ladies of the country who can put the plate in addition to the culinary delights of many smiles and friendliness ....

... Sciusciello atenesi then made with soft bread ... .. delicate .... immersed in a delicious soup with potatoes

The salsiccia add'rupata aromatizzata con il finocchio  e la trippa , per secondo...

Ahi... ahi...ahi!!! Ho perso le vi garantisco che  la salsiccia  da quelle parti "parla",l'aroma del finocchio si sposa perfettamente con la carne ben arrostita e il pane tipico della zona...troppo buono....forse riuscire ad immaginarla è anche più bello,se ne può sentire perfino il profumo che ti sale al naso.... .

Queste signore are busy producing the end ... the delight of team work, a kind of assembly line ... Zeppole atenesi are doing and as the Campania region, although the border with Basilicata.mi like to remember this Neapolitan rhyme. ..

'E canuscite' and zeppule?

pruvenite You 'to Napule
' what is likely assaje.
P'e ago nunn'è difficult
water and flour, knead,
and bit 'to miettele Frijia
eg dint'all'uoglio Cavere.
the final c'ea Stenn
nu’ velo fatt’e zucchere.
Si nun ce crire, pruovale:
par’o magnà dell’Angele!
E’ vero o no; sti zeppule
nun songo irresistibile?

this is the result ... a cleverly zeppole riddled with fingers, fried and sprinkled with sugar!

that there was the "mal d'Africa" \u200b\u200bI have always heard .. I guess so, however, that I am suffering from "pain of our South" ... a kiss to Athena Lucana and its wonderful people, from Tuscany!