Saturday, May 30, 2009

Kirk White Showing Boobs

Oddio hai Cliccato!!!

Bravo idiot you clicked!
And now what do we do?
I told you not to click
Ma tu non mi hai voluto ascoltare
Te l'avevo detto
Come ti senti?
Credi che trasgredire le regole sia una cosa figa vero?
Ti senti grande?!
Ti senti potente, vero?!
Sì clicca quanto vuoi quella x, dai!
Oppure se sei uno di quei nerd fighetti prova a chiudere da prompt
Tanto non c'ho un cazzo da fare
Da qui non mi muovo
La verità... è che hai bisogno di conferme
Per dimostrare a te stesso che vali qualcosa
When we know both what you are worth
Because you are worth!
And bla bla bla
Donna Moderna there has lobotomized your
depilatory cream, ABS, dual airbags, the mobile phone that makes you the toast ...
The vibrator 10 speed, the fucking big television, the Porsche, the purified water ...
What do you do with this bullshit?
The things you own end up possessing
And your life is empty of any meaning
Boy you're so empty that soon Implode
and to seek to fill the emptiness inside you
take drugs and then vote that the drug hurt
Bravo! Bravo! Braaaavooo!
not choose drugs
Choose life!
However you noticed that it is useless to press the red cross of your browser?!
Choose Coca-Cola Zero (small ad space)
Coca-Cola Zero: zero fat, zero alcohol, zero sugar, zero protein
Virtually dirty water!
Coca-Cola Zero: and nothing will ever be
even your bank account
Attention può indurre dipendenza, leggere attentamente il foglietto illustrativo
E così ritorniamo al solito problema della droga...
È come un buco
Da cui non puoi uscire
E più cerchi di uscire
Più sprofondi
Proprio come questo articolo
Eh... è inutile che ti lamenti
Sei tu che hai cliccato
Cioè pretendi di venire su Nonciclopedia... e trovare tutto rosa e fiori, il comitato di benvenuto del cazzo, la fatina buona dei dentini, l'orsetto ricchione che te lo appoggia dolcemente in culo
Tutti buddies, laugh together, maybe even do some orgetta in which we invite our girls to help those poor nerds just like dogs
Yes, yes, all on Wiki ... evvivaaaa
Alarm boy! Life is not so
Life is hard is not always
Yeah thou hast the adsl, download the world, yet you're stuck in here
And you have to put up with the whole 'is pantomime
While we are
I'll tell you about the time I met Mozart
Then it was a midsummer day, and I stavo incamminando per la strada...
Ad un certo punto...
Aspe.. tutto questo parlare mi ha messo sete
Vado a farmi una birra.. anzi una Coca
Scegli Coca-Cola Zero (piccolo spazio pubblicitario)
Coca-Cola Zero: zero grassi, zero alcol, zero zucchero, zero proteine
Praticamente acqua sporca!
Coca-Cola Zero: e niente sarà più come prima
Eccomi tornato... dicevamo?
Ah sì, ti stavo raccontando di tua mamma
Gran donna! In tutti i sensi
Cioè poi oh, ti fa di quelle things that I miss on TV after 2 am there to see, not even on the satellite
Oh, sorry, but you're bored?
Ah, you're in a hurry? You had to say it now!
mean you do not want to hold still long
Now I let you go
But first, one last thing
I have to say one thing
Ha ha, this good!
not laughing? How did you
You lack a sense of humor dear
Oh well ... just the
Now count to 10 and then leave you go

10 9 8

7 6 3

5 1 2

4 9 8
What the fuck
attend the CEPU, the lesson that was taught to count the toilet

7 6 5

4 3 2

Three quarters
A fourth
Two seventeenth

Yes Zero, Coca-Cola Zero!
OK, I let you go ...
... but first ....
Oh I do not remember ...
I will think of ...
Okay ...

If it's your birthday wishes!
If not, non-birthday best wishes!
Greetings and sons ...

Hello Goodbye!
Bye Bye!
Un'ultima cosa...
Anzi no...
Ci ho ripensato...
Anzi, no...
Ah, si...
Vabbè, tua zia è qui con me e ti saluta.
Ha detto che presto avrai un cuginetto, saremo parenti, sei contento?
Dai, non ho fatto apposta...
Ciao Ciao!!!!!!!!
Salutami tua sorella!
E ricordati il preservativo!
Ah, non dare confidenza to strangers!
Study, that if you can not fail!
How? Jobs? Well, do not insult the boss! It could fire you!
kidding ...
Um ... you say? Read the manga that you have fun!
and opposing MOIG!
not drink Red Bull contains taurine!
I do not know what it is, but I told my cousin that is very bad
He told me that once he is dead drunk and then

to infinity and from infinity to 0
a paper clip
Ma dico!?!? Sei scemo?!? Ho detto di non berla!!!
E riguardati che hai una brutta cera
Dai ti lascio andare...
Non funziona
Prova a canticchiare la sigla dei Puffi
Non lo stavi facendo, vero?
Che noiosone...
Prima di vandalizzare ricordati di contare da 10 a 0
Sì a Coca-Cola zero (piccolo spazio pubblicitario)
Dai, scherzavo, ora ti lascio davvero andare, ciao
Ma ricorda
Ci rivedremo ogni volta che cliccherai su questa pagina.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Light Bloody Mucus Period

Le verità del Ciao

In realtà la parola ciao era nata per offendere. Nel 1459 ciao era un insulto colossale che portava a 420 anni di ergastolo. Infatti si usa dire molto spesso:

  • Sei un ciao
  • Pezzo di ciao
  • Ciao come tua madre
  • Figlio di una ciao
  • Porca ciao
  • Chi legge è un ciao (tranne me)
  • Figlio di un buongiorno (per essere gentili)
  • Vaffanciao
  • Vbb ciao a tutti
  • Goodbye
  • Oaic acrop
  • C.iao
  • Ma che ciao vuoi?
  • Brutto figlio di un ciao!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

How To Do My Makeup Like Emily Osment

Lo sapevate?

• Lo sapevate che recenti studi dicono che Picasso fosse di etnia Rom? E che ciò fa di lui un Rom-Picasso?
• Lo sapevate che vostra cugina è la sorella della figlia della moglie del figlio del padre di vostra madre?
• Lo sapevate che se sei in macchina e ti si spegne il motore bestemmi, ma se sei in aereo preghi?
• Lo sapevate che quando moriamo diventiamo cenere perché siamo nati da una scopata?
• Lo sapevate che quando nella pubblicità dello yogurt dicono che aiuta la tua naturale regolarità, in realtà è un modo come un altro per dire che fa cagare?
• Lo sapevate che il kiwi è un frutto marrone e peloso, che si differenzia dai frati perché non porta i sandali?
• Lo sapevate che se una coppia mista (negro/a e bianco/a) does a child, this will be like a zebra?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sell Used Wrestling Shoes

Il mercatino

beautiful log cabin for sale • 30 m from the mouth of Etna. Take advantage of the opportunity before it goes up in smoke.
• Buy a box of condoms practically new, used once.
• Unique opportunity for all drinkers ... I take whistles for flasks! • Rent
Sharingan eye equipped with very useful in many situations. What you waiting for?!
• Searching the Dragon Balls. Contact the Capsule Corporation headquarters in the City West and ask Bulma. No time wasters or Red-Ribbon.
• Asking glorious Cruiser Intergalactic Galactic Empire used for only millemila credits. He has walked only 5.643.541.324.564.534.654.234.564.101.000.070,32 parsec.
• Sell Flea flea market.

Snare Trap For Coyotes

Angeli & Demoni (2009)

The team behind the global phenomenon The Da Vinci Code film returns in the highly Angels & Demons, based on the bestselling novel by Dan Brown. Tom Hanks reprises his role as Harvard religious expert Robert Langdon, who once again find that the old forces do not stop at nothing, even murder, just to reach their goals. To direct the film is Always Ron Howard, in a film produced by Brian Grazer, Ron Howard and John Calley. The screenplay is by David Koepp and Akiva Goldsman.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Broken Capilaries On Lip

Il barbone

There's a bare bum off to a convent, sees a nun, welcomes him and very kindly took him to a room where there are bathrobes and soaps. Left alone the bum you start to put the soap on all sides, pulls on a bathrobe and leaves the room on tiptoe. Frightened by a nun hides in the bathroom behind the sink, in making this move comes out of the pea out of the nun, curious, and so falls it pulls a bar of soap, the sister runs enthusiastic sisters and gives the news of the new distributor of soaps. And so all the sisters rush to stock up on soaps. After a while you get her older sister, pulls the Wimp, but there's nothing for her. Angry pulls him several times but no dice. At the end comes out excited to announce his discovery: - "Hey sisters did you know that after the soap is liquid soap ?!!!!"-

Pokemon Rare Candies Ruby

Senza parole!?!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Infections After Brazilian Waxing

Le miravolanti imprese di Chuck Norris

  • Chuck Norris has sex with a man, not because he is gay, but because he had run out of women.
  • Chuck Norris does not read books. Li fixed until it gets the information he needs.
  • If you ask Chuck Norris at the time he will answer "Just two seconds."
  • After asking "Just two seconds what?" Hits you with a flying kick to turn
  • Chuck Norris uses stimulating condoms inside out, so he can experience pleasure.
  • Since 1940, year of birth of Chuck Norris, deaths caused by flying kicks in turn increased by 13,000%.
  • There are no disabled people. Only people who have met Chuck Norris. There
  • chin behind Chuck Norris' beard. There is only another fist.
  • once believed that Chuck Norris had lost a fight with a pirate, but it's a fake created by Chuck Norris himself to lure more pirates to him.
  • Chuck Norris once lined up to kick the shot is the transformation of a football game between the schools. As the balloon was punctured, he persuaded the referees to let him take the kick with a baby of 3 months. Chuck has sent 60 feet beyond the limits of the field, and then proceeded to shag every girl in the stadium.
  • When Chuck Norris's wife burned the turkey on Thanksgiving, Chuck said, "Do not worry honey," and headed in the backyard. After five minutes he returned with a live turkey, having been totally swallowed up, and when he retired a few seconds later he was out entirely cooked cranberry sauce. When asked for an explanation from his wife, Chuck has struck in the face with a flying kick and said: "Never argue with Chuck Norris."
  • Those that run at the end of an episode of Walker Texas Ranger is not the end credits, but in fact is the list of people who have received a flying kick in the face by Chuck Norris that day.
  • Chuck Norris's tears cure cancer. The problem is that he has never cried.

Invitation Letter18 Birthday

San Valentino di sangue 3-D (2009)

A terrifying horror thriller that will leave you breathless with! A terrifying and chilling event occurs on Valentine's Day, an inexplicable massacre in Valentine's Day! ! A film full of twists and special effects in 3-D, prepared to be involved in this awesome movie!

Does Tricare Cover Auto Injuries

Noi del 2008

Tips On How To Be Bulimic

Ricevuto il premio: I like this blog

I received this award from Frufrupina I thank him very much. Envy ehhh!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Reason Of Black Stool And Black Urine

Fontex: font da scaricare gratuitamente

For all lovers of writing custom characters, Fontex is an excellent service. The site offers a collection of fact free fonts to download, without the need for registration. If we have the need to seek the specific source, we use the internal search engine to the site, very quickly, will help in the search. Each font is listed in alphabetical order and divided into categories. Before downloading any font, you can see a 'preview text by inserting a simple test. Interemante The service is free although you can use the version ; premium to access a much larger collection of characters.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Kates Playground Haircuts

I 4 signori

Four gentlemen a little 'getting on in years can be found at the golf club for a game. After the game go to the bar, but one of them is called on the phone and the other three are beginning to boast of professional success of their children: "My son is a broker and earns so much that he recently got a Ferrari to a friend, just to it is nonsense? " is the first. And the second: "Oh, nothing compares to my son. It is the surgeon and a few days ago a friend gave her a cab, but to have him change?". The third crush his hand: "Yes?" You know what my child? E 'lawyer and earns colossal figures. Think about that for a friend's birthday gave a villa, just a present? ". He came fourth and the others are calling it now:" and your son? What does your son? He broke down? "He said, 'background? Yes, I'll tell you what he's broke, that disgusting? is a homosexual, does the dancer stripper in a club for gay, has a lot of lovers. . . It is my worry. . .. "And the first:" The stripper? Well, I guess I do not get a girlfriend. . .. "And the father of the stripper:" No, he earns a pittance from what I know, but 'his fans give him everything. Think about that last one gave him a Ferrari, a cruiser and another one for her birthday even a villa. . .?.