Year 2011. What is today the CRI, and where are you? It 's the question Be very long time, especially the employees of CRI. The unions are threatening strikes and fibrillation, army always in the eye because of the continuous extension granted for decades and that many consider incorrect, does not add up, also because of certain conventions that have proven true bottomless pit bringing serious economic deficit, the real estate association does not successfully "inventoried" and largely abandoned.
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In addition, a state of eternal conflict contours difficult to understand for those who are not part of the planet CRI.
This is the situation where more than two years is to operate the Special Commissioner, Francesco Rocca, who was appointed to bring order to reorganize the association and to heal the economic deficit.
Solved, a little 'issue SISE managing to leave the swamp Sicilian without major jolts.
But overall, as noted by the transmission Report, the CRI is far from leaving the tunnel which has been driven in decades of "monopoly" of government policy and not really happy and free criticism from the supervisory ministry.
remains, that of the CRI, a precarious and somewhat difficult to manage.
The Republic of December 10, 2009, with the Red Cross points out, is "an institution forced to move to the border between solidarity and waste, including voluntary and enthusiastic supported employment. ... The coarser remains that the reorganization of the military corps, one of six members of the Red Cross (the others are volunteer emergency workers, blood donors, young pioneers, the devout women, and the Red Cross) who read the J'accuse inspector of the ministry, has become a bandwagon. 670 of 877 active duty military in the body are continuously in fact been settled "without any rules providing for him."
so happens that the military history of the body, came to national prominence, taken twice depending on who they are actors: that the "scandal" of recruitment and the creation of a system ; abnormal and that of "magnification" of a service that, in view of the reorganization, would give prestige to the Italian Red Cross. Two sides of same coin, in short.
Rocca is moving in different directions, but the more this his acting is not forward-looking and is accused of running the CRI more or less like its predecessors.
the question of extending the military remains to be clarified.
Rocca himself has distanced himself from them stating that "there are my children", but at the same time said that the problem at this point social needs to be solved politically. In the meantime, keep them in service because the question that arises is, how do you send home people who worked for years in CRI and that over time has built a family, went on a home loan ? This attitude could also be acceptable, we are confident that this concern "social" is applied or was applied to all military personnel alike over the years and the current severe socio-economic time?
Chap cri Mario Martinez |
reading newspapers and magazines here and there would seem evident that no, the social aspect does not seem to have been applied, and would not apply to everyone.
Rocca talks about life expectancy and a social event, but talking about human case in the appeals or extensions of the military, I think we will persevere in the logic of the recent past (?) of patronage.
also forcing the intelligence, you can not find nothing in the rules governing contracts for the PA, the solution of social and human cases. This type of reference can be found in the standards governing social welfare, health, and charges related to the IGC (income assistance) that are the responsibility of the Ministry of Labour, Health and INPS.
And this triggers another problem, namely, the issue of civil precarious. It would be interesting that the Commissioner Rocca we could say things like they are actually on staff with the stars, but without forgetting that it is manifesting disruptive, the problem of civilian staff Rocca accused of nepotism and violation of a whole series of standards law.
Just the 1st of January that triggered RdB conciliation and so at this point you can begin to have elements to understand where the truth lies and what they can expect temporary workers and paintings civilians, CRI in the near future.
One of the reasons for the challenge is to reconsider the decision to Rocca conventions, especially those at a loss, which seems like a good thing but it seems to have been given the same problem of a safeguard clause for those sdi, precarious for decades, working for CRI through these agreements.
The solution is not easy. Mr Rocca said that certainly can not send home those soldiers who serve for years and that in Christ we have built a life expectancy, but this same measure of social attention, although not standardized as said by laws of contracts in the PA, should also be given to these "atypical" precari, che a loro volta si sono costruiti in CRI un futuro.
Tralasciando tutti le contestazioni rivolte a Rocca che fanno parte del contenzioso sindacale, cosa si sta facendo in questa direzione ?
Il problema quindi, in ottica futura e di un risanamento dell’associazione, va inquadrato tenendo conto dei numeri complessivi del “precariato”, sia militare che civile, della quadratura dei conti, e non ultimo, della corretta, professionale e trasparente amministrazione dell’associazione a tutti i livelli.
La soluzione del problema del personale, not insignificant, must walk hand in hand with the desirable overall consolidation effort of the CRI, including the assumption of privatization that has long circulated in a CRI and others, began to develop.
damage present, children are distracted by a policy that for decades but has used the association as a true well of St. Patrick for political purposes and not only from management and not just free of heavy criticism, but if you really want to get to the privatization and rehabilitation is not enough to think only of the commissioner as far made, they should ensure that the Red Cross to be Italian to have those legal instruments capable of start the process of privatization, including the necessary permission from Geneva, and then implement a final project for refurbishment of the CRI to catch up with the times.
But above all, that the policy should be the same outside by the CRI, which intervenes because, in damage and instability. Recentemene Report has highlighted the immense wealth of CRI abandoned over the years for unexplained reasons, according to some, the term "speculative hypothesis" according to others. One thing is certain, the precarious situation of the real estate of which seems not yet fully known entity, has a responsibility and these are attributable to the top CRI in the decades that followed. It is the responsibility of the top Red Cross, and of course members who seem to have never occurred, the fact that the last budget has remained at CRI in 2005.
From the Express of March 23, 2010 "Italy is not surprising that in the only case in the West, the institution instead of being independent under the ironclad control of the parties. That has always used the Red Cross to make assumptions of mass (in thousands of soldiers and civilians were precarious called without contest and without criteria): emergencies and disasters are secondary events. The budgets are not approved since 2005, and special commissioners come and go. "
The question that arises today, in light of a number of issues that arise in part because of conflicting laws and policy ideas confused is, to those in Jupiter status quo?
Since some years it comes to reforming the CRI but it seems that the Parliament has ever passed laws reference is to assume that politics is not interested in a CRI, efficient, well organized and well run and above all transparent and not wasteful.
The Red Cross, flower crown post-war Italy, it must return to its original splendor, and for this we need a ruling class prepared, free of relationships with policy and legislation that could lead to an efficient organization in step with the times.
If this should be privatized, it has the political courage to act with the urgency that the case requires, no ifs and buts, but especially taking into account the need to safeguard the rights of the human component, and for the respect that the Italian government should (should not), to those thousands of volunteers from the Red Cross, which from foreign quarrels and intrigues of the palace, daily operations, senza percepire alcun compenso e togliendo tempo alla propria famiglia ed al proprio lavoro, per assistere indigenti e persone vulnerabili.
Sono loro in definitiva, la Croce Rossa italiana a cui tutti devono dire … grazie di esistere.