Thursday, January 27, 2011

Eminent Lock Combanation

Who will save the Red Cross?

On February 1, suspended its service
of ambulances for emergency

We need 3 million for 2010 and 2011,
Region "offers" 800 € Mila

Click image for ingranmdire

The proposal of the Region
save jobs

Principles of the Red Cross
sunk by bureaucracy
Click on photo to enlarge

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Can U-haul Cargon Van Fit Queen Bed

Code of Ethics 2011 - continue to be a VDS / PIONEER? The

..... sometimes you need to talk about serious things,
among a sea of \u200b\u200bnice things and "read "....

 Mi domando in quanti abbiano compreso la gravità della puntata di Report, della vicenda personale del Maresciallo Vincenzo Lo Zito (componente Militare) e della battaglia -fortunatamente- ormai non più personale contro il nostro illustre commissario staordinario (?) Rocca, e la sig.ra Maria Teresa Letta, (anche se si trova a dover sostenere le spese legali per conto suo, o tramite donazioni di singoli cittadini).
battaglia ora contro lo stesso “Codice Etico di buona condotta” 2011 fresco fresco tappa-Report, somministrato con così tanta semplicità a VDS PIONIERI E DIPENDENTI senza che il benchè minimo dubbio sia stato sollevato.
The Union itself grassroots unions decided to take the field and a sword fight is already nicknamed the "Code Gags," that our illustrious Commissioner Rocca is about (ahilui) have to change, given the concerns raised by those few VDS / Employees, scattered here and there 's Italy, who have not folded back in front of another attempt to force (in the light of the sun, or with disabled puns hidden in an ocean of empty words) to give up so easily and with a smile on sacrosanct (lay) Constitutional rights.
I'll tell you .. raised my concerns to an elder of the Red Cross, asking you read the code?
The first answer was "no " ... after a few seconds ... without any questions, you are correct with: " actually is, but I signed it without messing . In my .. why .... the answer was:
" because one can not make his caxxi .
Attenzione. io ho scelto di entrare in Croce Rossa per svolgere attività di Volontariato. PAGO per svolgere attività di volontariato. CREDO nei principi fondamentali della Croce Rossa come Movimento Internazionale. ma NON INTENDO alimentare una macchina sperpera/ruba fondi, ed ora anche mangia-diritti, per il bene di pochi, a scapito di tantissimi.
I do not agree. I'M NOT THERE. AND CONTRBUIRO 'FOOD FOR ALL THIS with my silence.
I hope that this comment is meant in appropriate ways, as food for thought, and not as a criticism of the Local Committee to which I belong (Reggio Emilia), because not all the Committees' Italy can boast an inspector attentive to the needs of the older employee as the youngest pioneer ... The code is there, available, da leggere ed interpretare, indipendentemente dall’esito dell’incontro con lo stesso (che approfitto nuovamente per ringraziare, per la sempre sconfinata gentilezza) , se mi verrà concesso di NON SOTTOSCRIVERLO , 
o di sottoscriverlo con facoltà di eliminare le voci che mi impediranno di essere uomo libero nella piena facoltà dei propri diritti, continuerò a prestare attività di volontariato con la stessa professionalità e dedizione con cui ho esercitato finora.

In caso contrario, spero che una qualsiasi Pubblica Assistance can accept the "services" of the undersigned.
I wish you good night (the hours are 2.33) in the hope that this message is not deleted from the committee of my blog .. Why the silence, willing or not, they feed the malaffari.
Davide Mattioli

Code of Ethics - CRI Civil Service - No code to gag!

Service Report on the Italian Red Cross and The story of Marshal Vincent Zito

Destroy an honest citizen to continue to commit crimes

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Will Blistex Help Cold Sores

powerful means of Red Cross ...... in "DO IT YOURSELF KIT" That's why I

Red Cross
sect. Montepulciano

same terrain of the Red Cross
sect. Montepulciano with written
"Civil Protection"
and flashing

Something is wrong .....

but the Red Cross does not have its own engine which provides the means to register and license plates ;
written with CRI?

Operation modern fleet


the Italian Red Cross


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Pediatric Neurosurgeon

, Red Cross volunteer, will not sign the Code of Ethics ... of ethics that has very little!

As seems to be very few people who have really and concretely understand the contents of the CD "Code of Conduct and Ethics 2010," that all members (employees and volunteers) of the Italian Red Cross were forced to sign at this time, I decided to make public the reasons why I, the code, do not sign it, or at least not entirely subscribe. If I will be allowed, in fact, explicitly exclude the letters K, L and M , art. 15.

The full text of that code can be read at this link: (CLICK )

Here, the basis on which the letters above article. 15 are, in my opinion not be subscribed.

Regarding the letter K ,
the formulation of the same, under a first profile, is too ambiguous in the absence of certainty: it is in fact impossible to know what are the limits of the prohibition contained in it , since it is not stated whether the same prohibition exists only with reference to articles or books published, signed by CRI, that all those texts (eg even a simple 'notes' on Facebook) with whom the individual wishes to express belonging CRI his simple advice on techniques, practices, regulations and organization of the Red Cross itself, stimulating debate and possibly critical, under a second profile, closely connected to the first, depending of the restrictive or broad you want to give the standard, you can find profiles of unconstitutionality in respect of Article. 21 of the Constitution, as well as art. 10 ECHR on the freedom of expression and criticism, especially when that criticism relates to the management of public administration.

With reference to the letter L ,
even here there is a distinct lack of certainty of the rule, since it is not clear whether the same rule applies to only those documents containing cc. dd. 'Sensitive data' regarding the patients or the administration itself (and therefore already protected by law) or whether it applies instead to all those documents that you should be aware in the course of their duties, thus including, for example, the texts of the same order commissarial, financial statements, texts of regulations and internal communications to individual committees, etc.. Even here, in order to respect the principle of transparency of public administration, the more correct interpretation from the standpoint of the legality of the provision, is the first, that is more restrictive. However, the text of the rule leaves much to believe that the will of the extensor of the Code is to prevent the every single type of communication to the outside, resulting in injury, even here, the above-mentioned articles of the Constitution and the European Convention.

With regard, finally, the letter M ,
this is certainly the rule that at the level of interpretation, creates enormous (and dangerous) problems not experienced in legal matters, since, with the smart play of words contained in it could easily mislead the CRI said member, who, once aware of wrongdoing (whether administrative or criminal) may be convinced of the existence of an obligation not to proceed with a formal complaint to the competent judicial authority before having tried and exhausted any possible recourse internal hierarchies, thus defeating the investigative activity of Powers (whose effectiveness is very often based on the secrecy of its run) with all due respect, inter alia, Articles. 362 and 331 cp cpp, in terms of reporting the crime. To confirm this dreadful risk of interpretation is the last sentence of the said letter m), which states that the person has a duty to ensure the accuracy and relevance of his statements, as if to say that it is the person himself who burden of the prior investigations personal / amateur.
So far, the danger of the letter m) of art. 15 for those who do not chew on the right: why its text should be completely rewritten!
But the letter m) not only poses the problem: to read the text, in fact, it is clear that "it is also important to refrain from issuing defamatory statements directed MAY Association. Well that "possibly" linked to what is stated in Art. 16, exposes the individual belonging to a Red Cross psychological pressure as well as a heavy risk that are in fact intolerable.

The rule, in fact, dubbed by some (including Corriere della Sera) "under anti-Report" , aims to punish anyone who disseminates information that is not positive for the Red Cross, regardless of whether or not such information is supported by factual evidence.
fact, if the volunteer or employee that would put in place a similar behavior may, relevant conditions are met, be ordered (both civilly art. 2059 cc, and criminal art. 595 cp) for libel, by subscribing to such a standard that the volunteer or employee may be sentenced to civil liability under the contract, EVEN IF DOES NOT FULFIL ABSOLUTELY THE CONDITIONS OF THE CRIME OF LIBEL, since that provision refers expressly to "POSSIBLY defamatory statements."
This member has the CRI in a state of complete uncertainty and worry, he can not know what to say and what not, thus reducing the complete silence (hence the 'nickname Code gag found by some trade unions).

For example, Red Cross volunteers and staff who have contributed to the episode concerning the Report of the Red Cross, would be prosecuted (in the sense that the Italian Red Cross may chiedergli risarcimenti milionari) anche laddove quanto da loro riferito si dovesse scoprire corrispondere a piena verità, e ciò per il solo fatto di aver messo in cattiva luce la Croce Rossa. 
Se tale normativa può trovare una qualche legittimazione in un'azienda privata, così non può essere per una Pubblica Amministrazione.

Questi sono, in sintesi, i motivi per i quali io ho serie difficoltà a firmare il codice etico, dato che sarebbe per me un controsenso sottoscrivere ciò che sconsiglierei di firmare a chiunque mi dovesse chiedere un parere giuridico sul punto.

Source: Marco Mambrini

Funny Anniversary Invite Sayings

Friars Roast leg of pork in mock "pork"

I start writing the blog after a long pause, a bit 'due to the holiday season a little' business demands and do it in a day when heavy snowfall ; has overwhelmed all .. I like silence, broken only by the hiss wind, the scent of snow in his hands, the sparkling white that wraps all around me in my memories .... Today is a day of cooking polenta corn, I can not be in the middle of a storm snow without transforming a nice pillow on spianatoia.L 'only thing I can not have is a nice pairing with fresh sheep's ricotta, perhaps putting to freeze out the window until it was slightly crystallized ... I can not leave it home, in front of my gate has collected at least five feet of snow! To prepare the second leg of a pig faux pork. ... well ... cooking in "pork" I will use only the typical Tuscan seasoning, because I have a whole suckling pig to cook .... so: fennel seeds, garlic, sage, rosemary, salt and pepper.
Come dine with me?


leg of pork salt pepper
fennel seeds
rosemary garlic potatoes

Prepare a sauce with garlic, seeds fennel, sage, rosemary and season with salt and pepe.Strofinare the leg with a clove of garlic to adhere better the seasoning, then flavor it well, both in the cuts of meat over the surface. (if this is done the day before the flavor of the finished dish will be much better)

Tie the leg with string, so that during cooking to absorb all the fragrances emitted by the herbs and spices

Let stand at least overnight. Then bake at 180 degrees and cook it at all because oil is the fat lato.Non si sprigiona spontaneamente dal coscio ma se si vuole incoraggiare questo processo,soprattutto quando si fa all'ultimo minuto e la carne non ha avuto il tempo di reagire alla salatura e al condimento,si pò aggiungerne un filo.Non aggiungo nemmeno il  vino perchè perderei la croccantezza della cotenna del maialino ...secondo i miei figli ...è la parte più buona...

 Quando è ben rosolato toglierlo dal forno e metterlo  in disparte. Aggiungere  le patate tagliate e condite con lo stesso pesto, a tocchetti nella teglia di cottura del maialino e farle cuocere

Quando  si sono un po'  rosolate,tagliare il cosciotto a pezzi

 quindi  aggiungerli alle patate

Lasciare dorare ulteriormente la cotenna ,finchè sarà piacevolmente croccante

e servire subito per non perdere questa caratteristica così gradita al palto!

This procedure can be done with the oven, a wood-burning oven that
(function crispy).

Monday, January 17, 2011

2 Seat Mini Sand Rail Buggy


On 13 January the Secretary of the Party for the protection of the rights of military and police forces (PDM), Luca Marco Comellini, filed with the Public Prosecutor of Ordinary Court of Rome alcuni  fascicoli riguardanti delle questioni che già sono state oggetto di interrogazioni parlamentari rivolte al Ministro della difesa.
Nella lettera di accompagnamento firmata dal deputato radicale Maurizio Turco, cofondatore del Pdm si legge: « Il silenzio serbato dal Ministro interrogato, sulle questioni da me rappresentate mi fa ritenere doveroso informare la S.V. perché i medesimi atti siano anche oggetto di una attenta valutazione da parte di codesta Procura e, ove emerga l’esistenza di fatti penalmente rilevanti, si proceda nei confronti di coloro che ne verranno ritenuti responsabili affinché siano puniti secondo le vigenti disposizioni law.. "
The events for which it was considered of interest to the public prosecutor of Rome having to concern in particular
the "Red Cross" , "the RIS of Parma, the relationships between industry and defense promoted by "Chapter dell'AFCEA of Rome" and some cases of deaths or serious accidents in the barracks of the Army until 1999 including those that died Scierie Emanuele, Carlo Franceschini and Fabrizio Falcioni.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Bushnell Ar 15 Reviews

CRI - have eliminated the 54 weaknesses and irregularities identified MEF inspection of 2008?

the C.R.I. è l’unica organizzazione del suo genere, almeno in Europa, che dipende politicamente ed economicamente dal Governo, il quale versa nelle casse dell’organizzazione oltre 160 milioni di euro l’anno (l’80 per cento se ne va in spese per il personale).
La storia recente dice che la Croce rossa è stata commissariata quattro volte dal 1995 a oggi e ha vissuto 18 degli ultimi 25 anni in gestione straordinaria, con commissari nominati per cercare di sanare i deficit delle precedenti gestioni. Dal novembre 2008 è commissario straordinario è il dottor Francesco Rocca che dovrebbe essere l’uomo che dovrebbe definitivamente mettere ordine nel complesso CRI plants.
Rocca, however, within two years of receivership, according to many, it seems to have shown signs of real change simply cut some dead branches but basically keeping the system intact Cri.
Mr. Francesco Rocca
The question of military recalled that the same Rocca called in an interview with Report "not his children, still on the table and it is likely that after the extension of service until January 31 2011, will further extend indefinitely, the approved budget permitting, of course.
long, too long, many argue, are alleged irregularities, lack of transparency in the management of the association and a statement of organizational chaos with non-payment of wage arrears to employees, hiring "easy" and without competition in military housing.
In 2008, Corriere della Sera, Gian Antonio Stella, a headline in his article of September 27 with "Wasted, files of the State to the Court of Auditors. The Red Cross doubles the Centers. But only nine practices all’anno. Dopo l’ispezione partita richiesta alla Difesa di bloccare «il contributo per l’incapacità di spesa dimostrata».
Prima di ciò, la verifica amministrativa-contabile ministeriale del MEF ....
( scarica il pdf ) , effettuata da febbraio a giugno 2008,  aveva evidenziato ben 54 carenze e irregolarità che sembrano sussistere nel pianeta CRI.
D’altra parte ancora oggi, malgrado il Commissario Rocca parli di  cambiamenti e “ristrutturazione” nella CRI, non sembra che le cose siano complessivamente cambiate much with the past "spoiled shortcomings and irregularities."
At this point, would be highly desirable that the Commissioner Rocca could answer a question that many would like to do: have been removed from inspection deficiencies and irregularities identified MEF ;?
If not, what the reasons which prevented the Commissioner, in two years, to intervene?

source: Osservatorio Sicilia

Importing Replica Swords To Canada

the waste of the Red Cross .... sentenced by Judge




Gianni Letta e Mauriziuo Scelli
 Serrande abbassate per due ambulatori romani della Croce Rossa Italiana. Lo avevamo preannunciato lo scorso mese, e così è stato. La comunicazione del responsabile del comitato Provinciale Cri di Roma, Ulrico Angeloni, è arrivata a conclusione dell’anno 2010 on the desks of the administration department of Health and Public Assistance Operations Center (COSP), over those of trade unions of the Crees, as well as the unit of trade unions Cosp. To close its doors have been, since January 1 last year, the dispensaries Cri via Pacinotti Preneste and Largo, both near Marconi in Rome. A decision that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. If nothing else, after learning that Maurizio Scelli, special commissioner of Christ from 2003 to 2005, was sentenced by the Court of Auditors to have resulted, at the same Red Cross, a loss of 3 million euro. The accusation is that he had signed a series of contracts for services despite the opposition of the auditors, who reported the lack of money in the budget. The ECA does not beat about the bush in shaping the story, they talk, in fact, 'waste of public money'. In that way public money? The Italian taxpayers pay into the coffers of Christ up to 160 million euro per year. It, however, then close the clinic because 'unproductive'. And most importantly, close to a city like Rome where, logically, the emergency does not seem to be missing. Everything is silent until the final closure of the surgeries, but for some time that the unions have denounced the absence of the Cri political and administrative leaders on the objectives of the Italian Red Cross. Targets that do not appear to coincide with those who have occupied the chair of Special Commissioner, nor with the decision to allow discovery, or without service, a central part of the Italian capital. Source: AgenParl

Scelli PAY
damaged '

CAREER: the war in Iraq .... the seat in the House

Clicca sulla foto per ingrandire

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Dress Shops Downtown Toronto

The law is equal for all ..... Just be recommended. The crosses of the Red Cross


Al Ministro della difesa, al Ministro dell'economia e delle finanze.
- Per sapere - 
premesso che:

Giampaolo Ganzer
u n'agenzia stampa del 27 dicembre 2010, (Il Velino) riportava la notizia secondo cui
avrebbe avuto "accordi e contatti con pericolosi trafficanti ai quali avrebbe garantito di poter rendere in Italia ingenti quantitativi di droga nell'assoluta impunità". È quanto si legge nelle motivazioni dei giudici Eighth Criminal Section of Milan for the sentence to 14 years in prison (compared to the 27 requested by the prosecution), in the trial for the alleged irregularities committed by some anti-drug operations during Ganzer. On July 12, 2010, Ganzer had been convicted of international drug trafficking in relation to covert operations, along with 13 others, including Gen. Mauro Obinu and other former non-commissioned officers of the police. Ganzer was acquitted of conspiracy but convicted of single episodes linked to international drug trafficking. According to the judges, Ganzer and the other defendants did not constitute an autonomous and hierarchical structure with the aim of committing crimes. For their part, In fact, there was only going to follow certain steps in order to give prestige and visibility to Ros before their superiors and the public. In general Ros were not granted extenuating circumstances for not only "the extreme gravity of the misconduct but also for what the judges described as" worrying personality, "which would make Ganzer capable of" committing serious crimes to achieve the objectives which is driven by his boundless ambition. " During the trial, Ganzer would be defended with "lack of knowledge and failure (and unfair) information from its subject, preferring to also go through an" absent-minded bureaucrat who signed the acts were the subject ". '
the same day, press sources reported the news that General Ganzer would not have resigned from the post of commander of special operations group (ROS) of the owner;
I the December 20, 2010, the marshal of the military corps of the Red Cross Vincenzo Lo Zito, by order of commissioner No. 643-10, in implementation of the statutory provisions in the code order military, issued by Legislative Decree 15 March 2010, n. 66, was indefinitely suspended from duty for having been postponed proceedings before the military tribunal in Rome

by Ministerial Decree No 453/III-7/2010 of October 15, 2010, the Army sergeant Jasmine Iannarone was suspended from service for two months following the ruling of the military court of appeal No 94/09 issued October 14, 2009, become final, 29 November 2009, which had acquitted him of the crime of aggravated disobedience with the phrase "the offense is not" -:

what were the criteria used to place cited by the suspension of military service and Iannarone The Zito and what are the reasons that they do given the continued employment of general Ganzer;

how many soldiers belonging to the roles of tiered ranks of sergeants and sergeants currently suspended from duty for disciplinary reasons or criminal, how many officers below and above, how many general officers;

the general officers who are currently serving in armed forces including the Carabinieri and the Guardia di Finanza Corps who are accused of crime or convicted of common crimes or military

if you do not feel they should have withdrawn the orders of suspension from duty in respect of all those military who are accused of crimes in the condition or have been met with formulas because "the crime does not exist 'or perché «il fatto non costituisce reato», in caso contrario quali siano i motivi e quali conseguentemente i provvedimenti che adotterà nei confronti del generale Ganzer. 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

How Much Cake Mix In 6x2 Inch Cake Pan

  Il Commissario Straodinario annuncia la riorganizzazione a suon di privatizzazione e tagli ai lavoratori precari, eppure abusi come quello di Maria Teresa Letta restano tuttora impuniti. Ha l’ambizioso progetto di riorganizzare la Croce Rossa Italiana Francesco Rocca, un avvocato non il calciatore Romania, which since November 2008, the Special Commissioner of the centuries-old association. Declares that he had worked hard month after month, still rearranging budgets to 2005 and now, encouraged by the bill last October 1167 that has received the green light by Parliament, launched an exhortation proud "series people who do not want bring back things like before. " First things first for the Red Cross were full of flaws, management merry cross involving representatives of the center and the center with peaks of extraordinary personalities during the year Maurizio Scelli. The current Mrs of the PDL was accused by many to have not only betrayed the neutrality of the institution placing the humanitarian mission in Iraq under the Stars and Stripes, but the assignment for having served in the Red Cross personnel in the subsequent political career. The past that is still mysterious present, there are also real estate CRI (donations of members) examined by an episode of television reports based on allegations of officials who have been transferred on account of the revelations about real estate submerged. Or are opposed to the family of powerful contrasts with the current government placed in managerial roles. The present and the future that the Commissioner Rocca promises, propaganda and even uploaded a video on You Tube, concerning the organization of voluntary e la sua rappresentanza.  Lui agogna “ la privatizzazione dei Comitati locali per essere incisivi ed efficaci sul territorio attraverso un’organizzazione snella. Avere la possibilità di far decadere i Consigli eletti attraverso la sfiducia degli elettori, mentre un tempo il Presidente locale era blindato . Prefigura che “attraverso istituti di democrazia diretta sarà possibile azzerare il Presidente che non risponde alle aspettative dei soci”.   
  Alla Presidente del CRI abruzzese Maria Teresa Letta, undersecretary Gianni's sister by two years in conflict with the marshal Lo Zito that the prosecution of serious violations of administrative rules, should shake the wrists. But it seems it is not. The Commissioner also wishes to make a clean sweep of the customers that certain political parties and trade unions engage with recruitment driven. Yet his face risanatoria may also mow services and professionals needed by the system of first aid which the Red Cross provides personnel and equipment. The union complains that USB has warned about the promises in the capital where, for example, three historic public clinics that provide free assistance to citizens in popular neighborhoods Tiburtina, Ostiense and Prenestino close. Infatti è previsto il licenziamento o il non rinnovo di contratto per operatori che dopo anni di servizio risultano tuttora precari. Solidali alla cura Rocca la Direzione Generale e diversi Direttori di Comitati locali CRI. Ma quella sigla sindacale non ci sta e prospetta prossime agitazioni anche perché afferma Francesco Spataro Il Commissario aggira la legge 104/92, attua una mobilità selvaggia dei lavoratori senza accordarsi con le parti sociali, non rispetta le relazioni sindacali e viola le previsioni del testo unico 81/2008 che concernono salute e sicurezza nei posti di lavoro. In più prova a mettere un bavaglio a dipendenti e soci attraverso un sedicente Codice Etico”. Attorno this Code which prohibits members - volunteers and staff - the Red Cross to make statements to third parties on the structures of the disciplinary penalty, some Members of Italy of Values \u200b\u200bsubmitted in November Question to Ministers of Health and defense, denouncing the same as similar rules restrict union activity. The discontent of the permanent staff is also linked to the jungle contracts in place. Says one worker who prefers to remain anonymous because they are already affected by the censorship of your manager " Take the case of the 118 outsourced workers and ended up in detachments CRI, they hanno un contratto ibrido per metà afferente alla Croce Rossa, per un’altra metà sancito dagli accordi della Sanità, di ciascuna viene presa la parte più favorevole all’azienda e il lavoratore si trova comunque svantaggiato. Il guaio è che questi contratti sono caldeggiati dalle sigle sindacali maggioritarie Cisl e Uil, e la Cgil in troppi casi s’accoda. Quello che sta facendo Marchionne a Pomigliano e Mirafiori le fasce del lavoro debole lo vivono sulla pelle da anni”. Aggiunge “ Nei punti nevralgici che sono le ambulanze o i presidi sanitari siamo perennemente sotto organico e subiamo il ricatto dell’inquadramento. Quasi tutti siamo bloccati nell’area A2, con una retribuzione of about a thousand Euros a month, despite having qualifications from area B on to undertake higher salaries. "

Source: Carlo Giuliani Paris Club

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My Goldfish Has A Clear Bump On His Head

Year 2011. What is today the CRI, and where are you?

It 's the question Be very long time, especially the employees of CRI. The unions are threatening strikes and fibrillation, army always in the eye because of the continuous extension granted for decades and that many consider incorrect, does not add up, also because of certain conventions that have proven true bottomless pit bringing serious economic deficit, the real estate association does not successfully "inventoried" and largely abandoned.
click on photos to enlarge
In addition, a state of eternal conflict contours difficult to understand for those who are not part of the planet CRI.
This is the situation where more than two years is to operate the Special Commissioner, Francesco Rocca, who was appointed to bring order to reorganize the association and to heal the economic deficit.
Solved, a little 'issue SISE managing to leave the swamp Sicilian without major jolts.
But overall, as noted by the transmission Report, the CRI is far from leaving the tunnel which has been driven in decades of "monopoly" of government policy and not really happy and free criticism from the supervisory ministry.
remains, that of the CRI, a precarious and somewhat difficult to manage.
The Republic of December 10, 2009, with the Red Cross points out, is "an institution forced to move to the border between solidarity and waste, including voluntary and enthusiastic supported employment. ... The coarser remains that the reorganization of the military corps, one of six members of the Red Cross (the others are volunteer emergency workers, blood donors, young pioneers, the devout women, and the Red Cross) who read the J'accuse inspector of the ministry, has become a bandwagon. 670 of 877 active duty military in the body are continuously in fact been settled "without any rules providing for him."
so happens that the military history of the body, came to national prominence, taken twice depending on who they are actors: that the "scandal" of recruitment and the creation of a system ; abnormal and that of "magnification" of a service that, in view of the reorganization, would give prestige to the Italian Red Cross. Two sides of same coin, in short.
Rocca is moving in different directions, but the more this his acting is not forward-looking and is accused of running the CRI more or less like its predecessors.
the question of extending the military remains to be clarified.
Rocca himself has distanced himself from them stating that "there are my children", but at the same time said that the problem at this point social needs to be solved politically. In the meantime, keep them in service because the question that arises is, how do you send home people who worked for years in CRI and that over time has built a family, went on a home loan ? This attitude could also be acceptable, we are confident that this concern "social" is applied or was applied to all military personnel alike over the years and the current severe socio-economic time?
Chap cri Mario Martinez
reading newspapers and magazines here and there would seem evident that no, the social aspect does not seem to have been applied, and would not apply to everyone.
Rocca talks about life expectancy and a social event, but talking about human case in the appeals or extensions of the military, I think we will persevere in the logic of the recent past (?) of patronage.
also forcing the intelligence, you can not find nothing in the rules governing contracts for the PA, the solution of social and human cases. This type of reference can be found in the standards governing social welfare, health, and charges related to the IGC (income assistance) that are the responsibility of the Ministry of Labour, Health and INPS.
And this triggers another problem, namely, the issue of civil precarious. It would be interesting that the Commissioner Rocca we could say things like they are actually on staff with the stars, but without forgetting that it is manifesting disruptive, the problem of civilian staff Rocca accused of nepotism and violation of a whole series of standards law.
Just the 1st of January that triggered RdB conciliation and so at this point you can begin to have elements to understand where the truth lies and what they can expect temporary workers and paintings civilians, CRI in the near future.
One of the reasons for the challenge is to reconsider the decision to Rocca conventions, especially those at a loss, which seems like a good thing but it seems to have been given the same problem of a safeguard clause for those sdi, precarious for decades, working for CRI through these agreements.
The solution is not easy. Mr Rocca said that certainly can not send home those soldiers who serve for years and that in Christ we have built a life expectancy, but this same measure of social attention, although not standardized as said by laws of contracts in the PA, should also be given to these "atypical" precari, che a loro volta si sono costruiti in CRI un futuro. 
Tralasciando tutti le contestazioni rivolte a Rocca che fanno parte del contenzioso sindacale, cosa si sta facendo in questa direzione ?
Il problema quindi, in ottica futura e di un risanamento dell’associazione, va inquadrato tenendo conto dei numeri complessivi del “precariato”, sia militare che civile, della quadratura dei conti, e non ultimo, della corretta, professionale e trasparente amministrazione dell’associazione a tutti i livelli. 
La soluzione del problema del personale, not insignificant, must walk hand in hand with the desirable overall consolidation effort of the CRI, including the assumption of privatization that has long circulated in a CRI and others, began to develop.
damage present, children are distracted by a policy that for decades but has used the association as a true well of St. Patrick for political purposes and not only from management and not just free of heavy criticism, but if you really want to get to the privatization and rehabilitation is not enough to think only of the commissioner as far made, they should ensure that the Red Cross to be Italian to have those legal instruments capable of start the process of privatization, including the necessary permission from Geneva, and then implement a final project for refurbishment of the CRI to catch up with the times.
But above all, that the policy should be the same outside by the CRI, which intervenes because, in damage and instability. Recentemene Report has highlighted the immense wealth of CRI abandoned over the years for unexplained reasons, according to some, the term "speculative hypothesis" according to others. One thing is certain, the precarious situation of the real estate of which seems not yet fully known entity, has a responsibility and these are attributable to the top CRI in the decades that followed. It is the responsibility of the top Red Cross, and of course members who seem to have never occurred, the fact that the last budget has remained at CRI in 2005.
From the Express of March 23, 2010 "Italy is not surprising that in the only case in the West, the institution instead of being independent under the ironclad control of the parties. That has always used the Red Cross to make assumptions of mass (in thousands of soldiers and civilians were precarious called without contest and without criteria): emergencies and disasters are secondary events. The budgets are not approved since 2005, and special commissioners come and go. "
The question that arises today, in light of a number of issues that arise in part because of conflicting laws and policy ideas confused is, to those in Jupiter status quo?
Since some years it comes to reforming the CRI but it seems that the Parliament has ever passed laws reference is to assume that politics is not interested in a CRI, efficient, well organized and well run and above all transparent and not wasteful.
The Red Cross, flower crown post-war Italy, it must return to its original splendor, and for this we need a ruling class prepared, free of relationships with policy and legislation that could lead to an efficient organization in step with the times.
If this should be privatized, it has the political courage to act with the urgency that the case requires, no ifs and buts, but especially taking into account the need to safeguard the rights of the human component, and for the respect that the Italian government should (should not), to those thousands of volunteers from the Red Cross, which from foreign quarrels and intrigues of the palace, daily operations, senza percepire alcun compenso e togliendo tempo alla propria famiglia ed al proprio lavoro, per assistere indigenti e  persone vulnerabili.
Sono loro in definitiva, la Croce Rossa italiana a cui tutti devono dire … grazie di esistere.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Colored Bracelets Meanings

labor disputes in CRI. The active RdB conciliation Law 83/2000

 La RdB/USb Pubblico Impiego, con una nota indirizzata al Ministero del Lavoro e per le Politiche Sociali, alla Commissione di Garanzia, al Commissario Strarodinario Cri Francesco Rocca e al Direttore generale CRI, Patrizia Ravaioli, has formally informed the intention call a national strike of all employees (temporary and role) of the Italian Red Cross and therefore calls for an attempt to bring the budget reconciliation referred to in article 2, paragraph 2 of Law 146/90 and subsequent modifications and additions.
The strike, according to the RDB is motivated by:
- dismissal of temporary staff to qualify for CRI stabilization;
  • failure to initiate procedures to stabilize the permanent staff of CRI entitled;
  • closing indiscriminate public services provided by CRI (clinics) without prior consultation with the unions;
  • not respecting the prerogatives provided for by Law 104/92, to the detriment of all employees (civilian and military) of the CRI;
  • mobility of workers of the wild CRI without prior agreement with the unions;
  • failure to implement agreements and / or violation of trade union relations;
  • refusal and / or violations of the TU 81 / 2008 on the protection of health and safety in the workplace;
  • approval of the so-called "Code of Ethics and Conduct," in clear violation of Article. 21 of the Italian Constitution and in violation of the provisions in the CCNL EPNE 2006/09.
  a testimonianza del 
delle prerogative della Legge 104/92 
il Maresciallo capo Lo Zito Vincenzo 
è vittima di questo sopruso..

a testimonianza della
Chief Marshal Vincent Lo Zito
is the third time
that is transferred authority ....

source: Observatory Sicily