Tuesday, June 30, 2009

George Crum Education Background

Non cliccate!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Hemp Bracelet Stitches For Men

Super Mario

Not everyone knows that Mario (which is the last name is Mario: Mario Mario, what a great imagination!) Is not a creature of Shigeru Miyamoto, although many of them are absolutely convinced, rather it is born by parthenogenesis. Open a dictionary.
Mario is supposed to have been born in Italy, although an orphan along with twin brother, but still minor, Luigi. She spent her childhood in a girls' orphanage, which has affected the personality of the effeminate brother. So he begins to grow in the myth of the plumber \\ gigolo that enters the home alone and unsatisfied housewives who, after working on the pipes, is also working on his pipe. But soon the misery of the unfortunate brothers forced to leave Italy ... and here are beginning their fortunes!
arrived in America, in Brooklyn, they immediately find work as plumbers in one of the many villas Silvietta. On the day that marked the turning point of the 2 Italo-American simpletons, it happened that the Berlusca asked them to take a look for a while 'to his pets while he was going to shoot crap. The animal in question was a huge gorillone, bad, bad, angry and, much more dangerous, horny. We are talking about Donkey Kong.
When the dwarf saw that the animal had been taken away and fled. Mario, afraid for what Mr. Berlusconi would have done knowing that their pet cupboard of his wandering he had escaped, he did the logical thing to do at that moment! Calling his favorite courtesan, Pauline, to attract horny gibbon.
The operation succeeded but the cabinet could not let off steam there at the time ... NO, he had to complicate everything went off on a building under construction.
So to retrieve the animal from the features of an ape-Hulk and the poor girl before she was killed in the chapel, Mario went and, with the courage of those who do not want to be taken to increase taxes on prima casa, salvò Pauline e pestò la scimmia a martellate. Il tutto accompagnato dalle grida stridule di Luigi.
Appena tornato il gran cazzarro, questi non aumentò le tasse per i due idraulici e lasciò libera la scimmia nella giungla, affidò a Mario e Luigi il compito di sturargli il water e andò a soddisfare Pauline, la quale scappò dopo aver visto le dimensioni del membro di Silvio, quasi del tutto inesistente.
Caso volle che dopo l' ennesima cazzata del nostro beneamato presidente, fu talmente potente l'impatto delle sue stronzate paranormali sulla realtà che si creò un portale extra-dimensionale per un mondo parallelo. Luigi da pirla quale è, ci finì subito dentro, e Mario dietro, per salvarlo.
I due si ritrovarono catapultati in un mondo abitato da funghi animati, tartarughe parlanti e tanto altro. L'unico essere umano di quel mondo era una bellissima principessa ancora vergine e ricca da far schifo. E l'unico uomo su quelle terre (Luigi è troppo effeminato per dirsi maschio) era Mario. E fu così che, dopo avere preso a calci nel di dietro un drago-tartaruga impotente, un panzone, brutto, cafone e baffuto, toglie la verginità a quella strafiga della principessa Peach.
Mario è sempre alle prese con Bowser, il suo arcinemico, il quale è fissato con la Principessa Peach e la rapisce ogni fine settimana. Le ragioni di questo rapimento vanno probabilmente ricercate nelle fini strategie politiche di Re Bowser: la scomparsa della Principessa del Regno dei Funghi porterebbe a un progressivo deperimento della valuta del regno, e a una perdita di potere d'acquisto dei consumatori, di conseguenza, come ha più volte osservato Walter Benjamin, il valore nominale della moneta del regno dei funghi precipita e Bowser è in grado di riconfigurare la sua agenda elettronica in tutta tranquillità.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

How Do You Get Rid Of Camel Toe

E' un uccello, è un aereo, no è...

Saturday, June 20, 2009

How To Tell If Titleist Ap2 Are Real Or Fake


Olivia is the girl of Popeye, and it's ugly, but so bad, that between her and Harry Potter, there is no comparison: the boy wizard attracts more. It has a strange shape, is like a stick insect, like a flat plasterboard and mother, no one knows by whom, a child with no legs, that does not grow from 124,674 points, and has the voice of the judge Saints Licheri Forum, called Swee ... that great as an adopted child of Popeye Swee iron will be called and will have much luck as a porn actor. I say, as a mother would have given a name like that to her child? A sick mother and degenerate, which gets drunk every night. Mother model then. In this regard, The gossip has it that one day, returning from the pub with her friends, she has surprised the intimate partner in attitudes with the figurehead of the ship of his father, which depicted a mermaid torn by a Chinese dragon, and that (says the "Iron ") was just a friend. Olivia always use for this, in revenge for poor arm, fuck Brutus, a cool big man who is regularly insipegabilmente got bludgeoned by Popeye, which is half the size of him (I know, I've written three or four times, but the story is always the same, ch'agg'a ago '?). It is probably the daughter of Mr. Fantastic of the Fantastic 4: the only way to explain why when it moves it looks like those air puppets dealerships. He delights in the arm with the Allegro game erotic sailor, and legend has it that the expression of the perpetually scowling wife is due to a badly positioned swordfish during this activity. Also, always wears a red lace garter with polka dots, but has never been shown, and this has saved the world from the crisis. At least until today.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Vuze Search Template For Songs

Un evento importante

In these times of crisis, which we hope will end up, Crazy Gollum makes his first year.

What Color Wire Remote Wire

Birra, LiBri e Baby Sitter

Two friends at the pub in front of a beer ...

- "Good the Tetley's, really! "

-" I told you is a great beer, full and bitter aftertaste, dense foam, persistent ... "

-" You know my baby sitter, you've already talked about, helps us also do the cleaning ... "

-" Worked in the round ... "

-" Yeah. ... Today, it has thoroughly cleaned the two libraries of the salon "

-" So what? "

-" Between my wife and I have a lot of books and we had a little 'divided, its my, and some 'put together. Then they were arranged with a certain logic, a shelf of those kitchen, others for those trips, those of Benni one hand, the yellow in another, those photos, those who have no bed ... "

-" Well, like everyone else ... "

-" The bitch has removed them, cleaned them all and put back in place ... "

-" As they were before? "

-" No. ... In order of height! "

-" How did you kill her? "

Grandma Ineed You Poems

Punti dei vista

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Big Lump On Dog's Back

Una notte al museo: la fuga (2009)

Night at the Museum 2 (Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian, the U.S., Canada, 2009) Shawn Levy, Ben Stiller, Amy Adams, Owen Wilson, Bill Hader, Hank Azaria, Ricky Gervais, Craig Robinson, Steve Coogan, Dick Van Dyke , Christopher Guest, Eugene Levy. After 3 years back the night watchman's most famous contemporary cinema, Larry Daley, called this time to save the planet from a terrible Pharaoh Kahmunrah, come back to life after 3000 years. Because of all this, the famous "magic tablet in the Museum of Natural History in New York, packed and brought to the world's largest museum, the Smithsonian Museum in Washington DC, so ready to come to life for a new night of fun ...

Can You Get Ringworm From A Spider Bite

La vendezza di Zidane

Motor Guide Trolling Parts

Lo sapevate?!?

• Did you know that I drink only on two occasions? When I'm alone and when I have company.
• Did you know that the beating of butterfly wings in Brazil can cause a hurricane in Japan, but a solo by Luca Turilli in Italy can destroy the universe?
• Did you know that you do not look a gift horse in the mouth for breath away? • The
Alessia Marcuzzi know that is really constipated?
• Did you know that if my grandfather had five balls had a pinball machine?
• Did you know that the black man is not under your bed, but probably below that of your sister?
• Did you know that a reality show entitled "The Gaza of" Big Brother "would be much later than that much more useful?

I Broke My Samsung Cable Input

Nuovi Film!